Couple Tattoos

Couple Tattoos: Inspiration and Advice (Part 3)

Relationship Tattoos in UV or White Ink

For those who are seriously paranoid, or for those of you who want a tattoo, but not really…or even for those of you who are trying to be low key about your love, and aesthetics, why not try white ink? At first a white ink tattoo will look a bit red and irritated, like any other new ink, but after it heals and settles, and depending on your natural skin tone, it can actually look almost invisible…perhaps only a bit raised, like a small scar. Especially if you get something small, like the couple finger tattoos below, it can be hardly noticeable unless someone is looking for it. Rings are actually, in general, really sweet, especially as far as marriage tattoos go. It’s also helpful if you happen to forget to actually wear your ring…my best friend lost hers down the drain while washing dishes. These things happen! Husband and wife tattoos are sacred, so we’ll always vote to keep it smart, simple, and just between the two of you. White ink can help.

UV ink can also be another way to go. Many of these inks are not highly visible in the daytime…it’s only under UV light that these babies glow. And, unless you work in a Spencer’s Gifts, we’re guessing you aren’t hanging out under those special blue light bulbs all the time. It can be a fun, special, and surprising way to create two cute couple tattoos!

UV ink couple tattos by Unknown Artist #coupletattoos #matchingcoupletattoo #relationshiptattoo #matchingtattoosforcouples #uvink #toothtattoo #tooth #fingertattoos
Ring finger tattoos couple tattoos by Ann Gilberg #AnnGilberg #coupletattoos #matchingcoupletattoo #relationshiptattoo #matchingtattoosforcouples #ringtattoos #fingertattoos #whiteink #whiteinktattoo
UV ink couple tattoos by unknown artist #coupletattoos #matchingcoupletattoo #relationshiptattoo #matchingtattoosforcouples #uvink #keytattoo #fingertattoo #hearttattoo

To Conclude: Couple Tattoos

Whether you want matching tattoos for couples, or simple relationship tattoos that express your love, remember to have fun with it…just so you know, the more fun you have with the experience, just as with the design, the happier you will be with the tattoo…even if that “forever” turns into “for right now”.

Honestly, as much as we freak out about tattoos being a bigger commitment than tying the knot..that’s actually no longer the case. As modern technology progresses, we’re seeing better removal tools such as super accurate, and less painful, lazers. Tattoos are no longer as permanent as once thought…but hopefully you realize that the actual experience will probably endure longer than your ink. After all, this isn’t Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind….no way you’re removing that memory, you know? So, just as your couple tattoos design may be important to you, focus on the experience as well. Make sure you’re in the moment, and that your loved one really knows how much you care about them. Have a good time. Celebrate your love. Don’t worry about the future…it only prevents happiness in the present.